Quantum Security Intelligence LLC.
Private Investigators and Security Agency. PDSC Lic: #001778
Security Consultation & Protection Services
QSI Offers Active Shooter Training at: www.qsiactiveshootertraining.com

Our Services:

Criminal Investigations
Background Checks
Undercover Operations
Corporate Investigations
Search & Locate
Insurance Investigations
Personal Protection
Workplace Violence
Human Trafficking Cases
Asset Private Investigations
Asset Search
Asset Protection
Business Intelligence
Security Intelligence
Corporate Security
Competitive Intelligence
Notary Public
Legal/Litigation Investigations
Personal Drivers
Political Investigations
Surveillance & Investigations
Infidelity Cases
Missing Persons
Civil Cases
Fugitive Investigations
Kidnap & Ransom
Opposition Research
Healthcare Fraud
Custody Investigations
Security Escort & Protection
Process Serving
24-hour Home, Family & Business Protection
High Rise Security
Mall Security
Office Building Security
Marches & Protest Security
Election Protection & Security
Bodyguards/Executive Protection Details

As a Private Citizen, navigating legal challenges in unfamiliar territory when dealing with a case can be stressful. As your Premier Licensed Investigative Agency, Quantum Security Intelligence Investigators are geared to handle cases for Insurance Investigations and Agencies, Law Firms, Corporations, Hospitals and all Private Industry cases. Integrity is a key factor when hiring an investigation agency, where professionalism and determination brings resolve to each case at hand.
[ General Surveillance / Matrimonial / Domestic Investigations / Missing Persons ]
Here at Quantum Security Intelligence, Investigations are our top priority, our level of service is of the highest quality in industry standards. When looking to start an investigation or conduct a background check, Quantum Security Intelligence Investigator's will provide premier client service in Small Business, Manufacturing, Retail, Tenant/landlord, Colleges/Universities, Sports Teams, Retail/Chain Stores, Restaurants, Construction, Hospitals and Financial Institutions. Call a Quantum Security Intelligence Investigator today to get started.
[ Hidden Camera Surveillance / Landlord & Tenant / Employment Activity / Background Checks ]
[ Insurance Fraud Investigation / Due Dilligence / Mobile & Digital Forensics ]
In need of an Investigation Agency to conduct a thorough background investigation, hire professionals who have a proven track record in corporations uncovering wrongdoing by employees, outside parties or committed by executive staff. Quantum Security Intelligence Investigator's will conduct their due diligence in background checks, surveillance, financial/fraud, employment screening, asset searches, scams, corporate searches and locates. Quantum Security Intelligence Investigator's will work to gather clear concise evidence in each case.